"Shine Theater is proud to present Elf the Musical, Jr. This special show follows the beloved Buddy the Elf through his North Pole experience with Santa and his journey to New York to meet his "real family". Along the way, he teaches us all about the spirit of Christmas.
We are also excited to offer a VIP experience after the show. This experience will take place immediately after the stage show and will be upstairs. It will include an "adopt an elf", letter to Santa, a "create Buddy's Breakfast" snack table and a photo with Santa himself.
***Please note that the VIP Experience is a separate purchase. You must purchase both a show ticket as well as a a VIP experience ticket to attend the VIP portion of the event."
Date & Time:
December 6th from 7-8:30 PM
December 7th from 2-3:30 PM and 7-8:30 PM
December 8th from 7-8:30 PM
Purchase Tickets: https://www.simpletix.com/e/elf-jr-tickets-189767#smtx-click